Sample Planting Plans

Whether you live on a lake, have a cottage or home along a river, or have a stream or creek run through your farm, take a look at these sample planting plans and plant lists.

The Cottage Shoreline Planting Plan is one of three sample plans you can look at to get ideas for your property. There is a sample planting plan for a rural stream bank and lakefront shorelines as well. 

Best management practices for shoreline restoration suggest a 15-meter deep buffer strip, with an open access to the water.   Even the creation of a "no-mow zone" along the shoreline, where lawn lovers commit to allowing grass to grow to help slow down runoff is better than having a lawn that grows right to the shore!

Most of the municipalities in NBMCA's jurisdiction have by-laws which establish minimum vegetation buffers for redevelopment or new development on waterfront properties. If you are planning to develop or redevelop your shoreline property, check with your local municipality for vegetative buffer requirements. You may also need a permit from the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority - ask for a pre-consultation appointment from the DIA staff.


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